Saturday, March 21, 2009

do these people know how to party or what? i stopped dead in my tracks yesterday while walking the streets of austin, TX when i saw this pizza joint. i had to share my photo with you.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

looks like i'm nearly on my way to one of the best music festivals in the country.
austin, TX i come!!!!
it's called south by southwest. all the cool kids know it as SXSW.
early flight tomorrow. even on a day off, i'm awake before most.

hope to have some stories for monday's return.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

the drama club stopped by this morning. check out their myspace...

yesterday we had chris falls and his snuggie swing by the show.

check out or click the following link for details on the scranton crawl...

Friday, March 6, 2009

i know. i know. i hardly ever put stuff on this blog. i generally save your reading energies for when i have guests in the studio... or disgusting pictures of the bottom of my foot. hey, we're all going green right? saving your reading energies is just my way of helping to save the planet.

the reason i'm typing this is to urge you to help bring me into the world of FACEBOOK. i thought i could ignore it and it would go away. but, apparently, that's not the case. there's a link on the right side of this page, or just go here...

wow! a real entry.